Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT)
Updated 03/21/2024
The Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT) is a feed-in tariff program that allows small Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) eligible generators less than 3 MW or less to sell renewable electricity to investor-owned utilities (IOUs). ReMAT utilizes fixed-price contracts with standard terms and conditions and market-based prices adjusted annually via CPUC resolution. Electricity generated through the ReMAT program may count towards and IOU's RPS requirements.
Through ReMAT, up to 493.6 MW of capacity is available and was allocated to each IOU as below.
- Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E): 218.8 MW
- Southern California Edison (SCE): 226.0 MW
- San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E): 48.8 MW
The original AB 1969 FiT program was replaced by ReMAT in 2013 and capacity subscribed under that program count toward an IOU’s total subscribed capacity under ReMAT. Visit the IOUs’ ReMAT websites for remaining program capacities, tariffs, and standard contract terms and conditions.
Notable Program Rules
Contract Capacity
- 3 MW or less.
Contract Delivery Periods
- ReMAT contracts are 10, 15, or 20 years in length.
Product Categories
Procurement under the ReMAT program is by product category:
- As-Available Peaking: Facilities that provide non-firm energy deliveries during peak hours.
- As Available Non-Peaking: Facilities that provide non-firm energy deliveries during non-peak hours.
- Baseload: Facilities where energy delivery levels remain uniform twenty-four hours, seven days per week, and have a capacity factor that is greater than or equal to 80%.
Tariff Calculation
Adoption of the updated 2023 administratively set fixed avoided-cost rates for ReMAT was implemented via Resolution E-5270.
- Administratively set prices are adjusted annually via CPUC resolution.
- Prices are market-based and calculated using the weighted average of recently executed long-term RPS contracts of 20 MW or less.
- The CPUC may adjust look-back periods of recent RPS contracts to protect IOU confidentiality and sensitive market pricing.
Eligible Technologies
RPS-Eligible Renewable Energy Resources: Biodiesel, Biomass, Biomethane, Fuel Cell, Geothermal, Small Hydroelectric, Conduit Hydroelectric, Water Supply or Conveyance System, Incremental Hydroelectric, Municipal Solid Waste, Combustion, Municipal Solid Waste, Conversion, Ocean Thermal, Ocean Wave, Solar, Tidal Current, and Wind.
See the California Energy Commission’s RPS Eligibility Guidebook for eligibility criteria.
Program History
California’s original renewable FiT program was launched in 2008 pursuant to AB 1969 and was implemented via Decision (D.)07-07-027, and revised by SB 380. Subsequently, SB 32 and SB 2 (1X) established a new replacement FiT program, ReMAT, to expand the program and increase the eligible maximum project capacity to 3 MW. The IOUs launched ReMAT on October 1, 2013.
- In 2016, AB 1979, which was implemented via D.17-08-021, added Section 399.20.5 to the Public Utilities Code and increased the maximum project capacity for conduit hydroelectric facilities that were operational before January 1, 1990, to 4 MW, so long as they delivered no more than 3 MW.
- In December 2017, the IOUs were ordered by CPUC Executive Director Letter to suspend new ReMAT contract executions, program periods, and application acceptance. ReMAT contracts already executed would continue with their full force and effect.
- In June 2020, the CPUC issued a ruling for Rulemaking (R.)18-07-003 to seek comment on proposed modifications to the ReMAT program.
- In October 2020, D.20-10-005 resumed and modified the ReMAT program to bring it into compliance with both the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 and Section 399.20 of the Public Utilities Code. The decision adopted an administrative electricity pricing methodology to calculate fixed rates by product category, with a time-of-delivery adjustment, based on the weighted average of recently executed long-term RPS contracts.
Related Programs
- Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff (BioMAT) – CPUC program for small bioenergy generators.
- Qualifying Facility and Combined Heat and Power – Includes standard contract options for qualifying facilities.
- D.12-05-035 established an overall statewide ReMAT capacity of 750 MW divided between the IOUs and the public owned utilities (POUs). As such, POUs and community choice aggregators (CCAs) may offer their own feed-in tariffs. Please visit their websites for additional information.
More Information
You can subscribe to the RPS proceeding service list for R.24-01-017 by following the instructions for the "Addition/Change to Service List form found here.
RPS and ReMat staff contact information can be found here.
Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT)
D.07-07-027 (2007)
D.12-05-035 (2012)
D.13-05-034 (2013)
D.17-08-021 (2017)
D.20-10-005 (2020)
D.21-12-032 (2021)
RPS Program
RPS Annual Reports
RPS Proceeding R.24-01-017 (Current)
RPS Proceeding R.18-07-003 (Previous)
RPS Decisions
CEC RPS Website
Electrical Energy
Natural Gas and Oil Pipeline Regulation
Renewable Gas
Customer-Sited Renewable Energy Generation