
The purpose of the workshop is to provide LSEs an opportunity to present to stakeholders an overview of their IRPs, including expected resource portfolios, planned near-term procurement, plans for achieving the 2030 greenhouse gas (GHG) planning target, and other key elements of their IRPs.

A quorum of Commissioners may be present at the workshop, but no votes will be taken. Other decision makers including Commissioners’ advisors and administrative law judges may also attend the workshop.


Decision 18-02-018 requires LSEs to file their IRPs on August 1st, 2018. LSE IRPs must propose how they will meet the GHG Planning Target and other policy goals given their unique resources and local community preferences.

The August 7th workshop notice will be posted to the Commission’s Daily Calendar. An agenda and presentation materials will be emailed to the service list in advance of the workshop.

For more information, please contact: Jason Ortego, jason.ortego@cpuc.ca.gov.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
9:30am – 4:15pm, PDT
California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, California 94102
(Wheelchair Accessible)

Conference Phone Line: 1-866-830-2902
Participant Code: 2453758#

To start or join the online meeting, go to: https://centurylinkconferencing.webex.com/centurylinkconferencing/j.php?MTID=mc63675f54f27281329fc9ab66ed9c5af

Meeting Number: 717 234 570

Meeting Password: !Energy1
